Photos From Oct. 4, 2008 Arkansas Traveler 100 Race
Photos From Oct. 4, 2008 Arkansas Traveler 100 Race
The event was the Arkansas Traveller 100, a 100 mile foot race through the Ouachita National Forest in Arkansas
(near Paron, AR). The event took place over a 30 hour period, with runners actively racing from about 6am Saturday
until around 12pm on Sunday. Radio communications for the event were provided by the
Central Arkansas Radio Emergency Net, and several other clubs, groups, and

Net Control late on Saturday Night (From Left to Right): Steve Tune (KC5FWE), Jerry Dixon (N5WVI),
Amanda Acebedo (KE5PAK), Jim Acebedo (KE5JNP), and Garth Hill (KC5TMO).

Net Control late on Saturday Night (From Left to Right) - Steve Tune (KC5FWE), Jim Acebedo (KE5JNP),
Amanda Acebedo (KE5PAK), Pat Dixon (N5ZSN), and Garth Hill (KC5TMO).
Another outside view of the lodge.
An outside view of the lodge where net control for the event was located.
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