Photos From The 2nd Hammin' In The Park Event

Photos From The 2nd Hammin' In The Park Event

The 2nd Hamming In The Park event took place at Burns Park in North Little Rock, a site next to the Arkansas River Trail, and bordering the Arkansas River. This event was sponsored by the Cabot Area Simplex Group. All photos were taken by, and are courtesy of Jerry Dixon (N5WVI). Participants included Daryl Stout (at the time, AE5WX, now N5VLZ), Brian Kessler (N1WNC), Richard Thompson (W5SUB (SK)), and Steve Tune (KC5FWE).

Left: AE5WX in front of his Icom IC-718, hooked to an Icom PS-125 power supply, and an MFJ-945E antenna tuner.

Right: W5SUB looks over AE5WX's shoulder.

Left: Black and Decker Electromate 400 that was used to power the Yaesu FT-817 (not pictured) used by KC5FWE during the event. Also in the background, you can see parts of the 2 element, 6 meter cubical quad antenna that KC5FWE used for VHF/UHF operations.

Right: (From left to right) KC5FWE, N1WNC, and W5SUB, discuss ham radio in front of N1WNC's truck...and enjoying the nice sunny day.

Left: AE5WX makes an adjustment of the Icom IC-718 hooked to an Icom PS-125 power supply, and an MFJ-945E antenna tuner. Also pictured underneath the tuner is an MFJ-1279 digital radio interface.

Right: KC5FWE's homebuilt 2 element, 6 meter cubical quad antenna stands tall in the back of the pickup truck as AE5WX continues to operate.

Left: KC5FWE pictured in the foreground, talks with W5SUB, while N1WNC prepares radio equipment on the tailgate of his vehicle.

Right: A photograph of N1WNC's Elecraft K2 transceiver.

A photograph of the inside of N1WNC's Elecraft K2 transceiver...which he built himself...and it was quite impressive to see all of the internal components.

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