Photos From The 3rd Hammin' In The Park Event
Photos From The 3rd Hammin' In The Park Event
The 3rd Hamming in the Park event took place on September 14, 2008 at Paradise Park in Jacksonville, Arkansas. The site was located next to the small lake
at the park and around a covered pavilion in the area. This event was sponsored by the Cabot Area Simplex Group. Participants included
Steve Tune (KC5FWE), Brian Kessler (N1WNC), Jerry Dixon (N5WVI), and his wife, Pat Dixon (N5ZSN).

Left: KC5FWE prepares the tripod and pole mount for his two-element cubical quad antenna. N1WNC can
be seen in the background.
Right: A group of children and their mother, gather around N1WNC with his Kenwood TS430S, as he tells the
group about his equipment. N5WVI, his wife, N5ZSN, along with N1WNC, were all instrumental in
explaining to the younger generation the wonders of ham radio.

Left: N1WNC attempts to make a contact with his Kenwood TS430S, as the children look on with interest.
Each of the radio operators acted as great ambassadors to ham radio during the event.
Right: A photo of the two-element cubical quad antenna constructed by KC5FWE. In the lower left of the
photo, N1WNC has his foldable solar panels lying on the ground. Also pictured in the distance is N1WNC's
mobile HF antenna set up on a small tripod.

Left: N1WNC's homebrew dual band J-Pole antenna that was used for the talk-in on 2 meters.
Right: Another photo of some of the antennas set up at the event.

Left: The working conditions on the table included a couple of HF rigs (Yaesu FT-817 and Kenwood TS-430S),
as well as a VHF mobile for talk-in.
Right: Another view of antennas and the solar panel.

Left: Yet another view of the antenna field.
Right: Another view of equipment against a backdrop of the lake.

Left: One more view of the antenna field and the lake.
Right: The two element cubical quad antenna against a blue sky...the weather turned out great for the event.

Left: N1WNC looks on from the operating table. I wonder if he had a scalpel to cut out the QRM (hi hi).
Right: Another view of the cubical quad antenna. The cat litter jugs were used to weigh down the tripod, so no
staking was necessary.

Left: Another shot of N1WNC operating. He made contacts with Italy, Spain, and Finland, with the Kenwood
and his G5RV antenna during the event.
Right: N1WNC operating the Kenwood TS-430S.

Left: KC5FWE fights a stiff breeze while taking down his cubical quad antenna.
Right: Another view of N1WNC from the second operators position across the table.

The sun sets on another great Hamming in the Park event. N1WNC has his portable dipole antenna in the foreground
on the mast.
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