About The Cabot Nightflyers Net And Its History

About The Cabot Nightflyers Net And Its History

Net Overview

This page was last updated July 8, 2023.

The Cabot Nightflyers Net was created in order to promote amateur radio activities during the late evening hours, for those operators and listeners that might not be available during times of the day when the majority of normal net activities tend to occur.

As noted on this page, the net went on hiatus several years ago...and attempts to revive it were ''put on hold'' by Net Founder, Steve Tune, KC5FWE. He says he still wants to revive the net at some point, but there is no indication of if, or when that might be. Note that the webmaster, Daryl Stout, has changed his callsign to N5VLZ.

The purpose of the net was to provide training, amateur radio fellowship, and to promote discussion on a variety of topics that include both radio-related items, as well as other items not necessarily related to radio (as long as they are FCC legal). The net had covered a wide variety of topics that included topics on emergency communications training and preparedness, introduction to newer modes of radio communications, VHF/UHF weak signal operations, and even such topics as technology assisting those with disablities.

The general net format was participatory in nature...meaning that all operators who checked into the net were encouraged to act as part of the net by contributing their thoughts and comments on net topics and/or other discussion activities.

Note that if there is thunderstorm activity in the central Arkansas area at net time, the net may be shortened, or cancelled that evening...to both protect from lightning damage...and to leave the net frequency clear to assist with possible weather related traffic..

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Checking Into The Net

For the recorded files...the way Echolink records files, all the ''silent pauses'' are removed. However, the files are rather large; so, if you are on a dial-up internet connection, it will take a large amount of time to download the files. The recordings of previous Special Format Nets, where available, will remain on the website for download at your leisure. However, some of the recordings may only be posted for a limited time...so, make your download as soon as possible.

With the logs, I'm highlighting the callsigns of stations by their geographic area. Arkansas stations will be in red, stations outside of Arkansas will be in green, and relay or proxy checkins (either unable to make the net, out of the country on military duty, or via the Listen Live link), will be noted in blue. The list of checkins may not necessarily be in the actual order they checked into the net. Location data is via HamData, unless otherwise noted.

NOTE: If you are on a dial-up internet connection, it will take a large amount of time to download the recordings of the nets. Most of the net recordings include just the presentation and comments, although some will include the entire net from start to finish, and those are so noted. Also, some of the recordings may no longer be available, due to the ''age'' of them...sorry for any inconvenience.

One of the last on the air nets that was held was the Oct. 29, 2016 Special Format Halloween Net -- the checkins are noted below.

1) KC5FWE, Steve, Cabot, AR (Net Control)

2) WX1DER, Daryl, Little Rock, AR (Webmaster)(now N5VLZ)

3) KC0EQA, Doug, Denver, CO

4) KF5TKF, Stephen, Conway, AR

5) KG5LWK, Garland, Vilonia, AR

6) KG5CYU, Richard, Gravel Ridge, AR

7) KG5NBJ, Paige, Vilonia, AR

8) AE5NW, Patrick, Conway, AR

9) KG5CSE, Jarrod, Conway, AR

10) KG5CSC, Amanda, Conway, AR

11) AF5WN, Mason, Cabot, AR

12) KK5WA, Darrin, Beebe, AR

13) KC5ETZ, Mare, Beebe, AR

14) KG5OTJ, Stephen, Cabot, AR

15) KG5PEB, Tom, Bryant, AR

16) KD7CYO, Bruce, Sherwood, AR

17) KG5PBF, Chris, Pine Bluff, AR

18) W5STO, Brad, Conway, AR

19) KJ5SF, Stan, Searcy, AR

The 2016 Halloween Net Presentation was on the Winchester Mystery House. Information was from several sources, and listeners are reminded that PRIVATE PROPERTY should NOT be trespassed on.

A recording of the Pre-Net Music Show can be found here. A recording of the Net can be found here -- (Presentation begins at 23:30.

The 2015 Halloween Net Presentation was on ''The Mystery Surrounding The Ghosts of Flight 401''.

A recording of the Net Presentation and comments can be found here. A link to the Pre-Net Music Show is located here. A special thanks to the Cabot S.T.A.R.S. Club for the use of their Echolink node for the net.

The 2014 Halloween Net Presentation was on ''Creepy Urban Legends that are True?''.

A recording of both the 10/30/2014 Halloween GME Music Show and Special Format Net can be found at:

  • Pre Net Music Show
  • Net (the net begins at 3:27 into the recording.

    Unfortunately, we were NOT able to obtain an Echolink node for the Oct. 25, 2013 net. And, due to technical difficulties at Nightflyer Central, the audio on the Listen Live link was LOST just after the net began, and was out for 30 minutes. Steve (KC5FWE) tried to re-do the presentation, but was unable to complete it. However, he was able to get recordings of the Oct. 25, 2013 Pre-Net GME Music Show here...and of the presentation entitled ''WNP -- A Tale For Halloween'' here. Our apologies for the technical difficulties...your understanding is appreciated.

    Due to various issues, I've combined the scripts for The Triple Play Net -- on The Ham Radio Wedding, The Honeymoon And More, and Ham For The Holidays into one file. To obtain the file of all the scripts, plus the ''prelude'' beforehand, click here. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view/print the file. To obtain the sound effects file for The 4 Digital Modes, and the Third Party Traffic with The Ham Radio Wedding (in MP3 format), click here.

    A recording of both the July 21, 2013 Pre-Net GME Show, and The Actual Net, are at the noted links.

    We had a number of first time checkins, and several are getting close to either getting their Nightflyer number, or entering the Century Club. Keep up the good work, Nightflyer Nation!! As always, a big thanks to everyone who checked in, and for their comments.

    Recordings of the Jan. 25, 2013 The GME Music Show, and The Presentation and the end of the net are at the noted links.

    As always, a big thanks to everyone who checked in, and for their comments.

    A recording of both the Oct. 28, 2012 Halloween GME Music Show and Special Format Net can be found at these links:

    Pre-Net Show (Audio was apparently a little hot, but it improved after about 10 minutes)...and the Net itself.

    A recording of both the May 13, 2012 GME Music Show and Special Format Net are available, with the Pre-Net Show; and with the net itself...with Checkins, and with the Presentation/Comments.

    A recording of the May 6, 2012 Net can be found here. Thanks to Troy, N5ARK for his assistance in this.

    Other recordings of the net, with the May 6, 2012 Net can be found with the GME Pre-Net Music Show, and the actual net (presentation and comments only). These were done by Steve, KC5FWE.

    A recording of both the April 29, 2012 GME Music Show and Special Format Net were made. Click on either the Pre-Net Show, or the entire net.

    A link to a recording of the entire April 22, 2012 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the Apr. 15, 2012 Net, with presentation and comments, can be found here.

    A complete recording of the April 8, 2012 Net, from start to finish, can be found here.

    A complete recording of the April 1, 2012 Net, from start to finish, can be found here. A recording of the April 1, 2012 Net, with presentation and comments, can be found here.

    A recording of the Mar. 25, 2012 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the Mar. 18, 2012 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the Mar. 11, 2012 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the Mar. 4, 2012 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the Feb. 26, 2012 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the Feb. 19, 2012 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the conclusion of the Feb. 5, 2012 net, including comments on the net, Question/Comment Of The Week, etc., can be found here.
    A recording of the Jan. 29, 2012 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the Jan. 22, 2012 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the Jan. 15, 2012 net is located here...the recording starts with the Training Presentation.

    Unfortunately, there were technical difficulties with the Jan. 8, 2012 net. While the audio was available on the Listen Live Link, it was not going out over the KE5ELU-L node on Echolink. So, a supplemental net was conducted on Echolink by Daryl, formerly N5VLZ, AE5WX, and WX1DER...now N5VLZ. The Pre-Net Music Show was done in 2 parts, with part 1, and part 2.

    There are two sets of recordings for the Jan. 1, 2012 Net, done by the Webmaster and Guest Net Control, Daryl, formerly N5VLZ, AE5WX, and WX1DER...now N5VLZ. First, there is a recording of the ENTIRE NET in MP3 format, located here. There are also 4 separate recordings, done by Jason, N5NBJ, in WAV format. These are the Preamble, and first round of checkins, located here... the Program Presentation, located here... the Question/Comment Of The Week, located here... and the Closing/Final Comments, located here.

    There are two sets of recordings for the Dec. 25, 2011 Net, done by the Webmaster and Guest Net Control, Daryl, formerly N5VLZ, AE5WX, and WX1DER...now N5VLZ. First, there is a recording of the ENTIRE NET in MP3 format, located here. There are also 4 separate recordings, done by Jason, N5NBJ, in WAV format. These are the Preamble, and first round of checkins, located here... the Program Presentation, located here... the Question/Comment Of The Week, located here... and the Closing/Final Comments, located here.

    A recording of the Dec. 18, 2011 Net is in 2 parts...part 1, and part 2.

    A recording of the Dec. 11, 2011 Net can be found here.

    A Special Thanks to Jason (N5NBJ) for doing a great job at Net Control on the Dec. 4, 2011 Net, and delivering a fantastic presentation on SKYWARN.

    A recording of the Dec. 4, 2011 net is in 2 parts...part 1, and part 2 (comments).

    A link to the poem on the Nov. 27, 2011 net, penned by Daryl, formerly N5VLZ, AE5WX, WX1DER, and now N5VLZ, can be found here. A recording of the Nov. 27, 2011 net can be found here.

    The Nov. 20, 2011 Net was in 2 parts...part 1, and part 2. Sorry for any inconvenience on the separate recordings.

    The Net Recording of the Veterans Day Special Net of Nov. 13, 2011, can be found here.

    For those who inquired about a recording of the Pre-Net Show, for this special occasion, we apparently did get a successful recording so, for a limited time, it is available here. Information on history of TAPS begins at about the 31:00 minute mark on the pre-net show.

    A recording of the Nov. 6, 2011 net can be found here.

    A recording of the Oct. 30, 2011 Special Format Net, which set a record for checkins at 40, can be found here.

    A recording of the Oct. 23, 2011 net is located here.

    A recording of the Oct. 16, 2011 net is located here.

    A recording of the Oct. 2, 2011 Net can be found here.

    A recording of the Sept. 25, 2011 Net can be found here.

    Unfortunately, it appears we had some Ustream problems with the Sept. 18, 2011 Net, so the recording is actually in two parts - Enjoy! Part 1 is located here, and Part 2 is located here.

    A Special Thanks to Shane, KF5FBR, for doing the special net on the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. A recording of the net can be found here.

    A recording of the Sept. 4, 2011 Net, on hamfests, can be found here. The information from the presentation can be found here.

    A recording of the Aug. 28, 2011 net can be found here.

    A recording of the Aug. 21, 2011 net can be found here.

    A recording of the Special Format Net on August 14, 2011, entitled ''The Roundtable'' by Don Keith, N4KC, is available here.

    A recording of the July 24, 2011 Special Format Net on ''Shadow Creatures And Shadow People'' can be found here.

    For those who missed the July 4, 2011 Special Format Net on The Amateurs Code, it can be found here.

    For those who missed the Mar. 20, 2011 Net, on Ways To Improve HT performance, click here.

    For those who missed the Mar. 6, 2011 Net, a recording can be obtained here.

    The Special Format Net topic on Feb. 20, 2011, covered an eerie, unexplained phenomenon that occurs in the state of Texas -- The Marfa Lights...which is also noted in the Route Guide of the Amtrak Texas Eagle Passenger Train (click on the Printable Route Guide Link. A recording of the net is available through UStream by going to the Yellow Airplane box on the Listen Live link, and clicking on the gray Ustream logo in the upper right hand corner. This will take you to the Cabot Nightflyers UStream page and you should be able to select the recorded net for viewing (listening).

    A recording of the Special Format Net on The Little Christmas Tree, on Dec. 26, 2010, with Daryl, formerly N5VLZ, AE5WX, WX1DER...and now N5VLZ as Net Control, is available here. I had to do it as a ''dramatic recitation'', as the original presentation, with the late Red Skelton, has music in it...so it can not be done over amateur radio. In preparing the file, I put in ''dead air'', where I could pause and reset the node, so it wouldn't time out. So, in the actual recording, you'll hear these ''pauses''.

    A recording of the Special Format Net on Holiday Safety on Dec. 19, 2010, with WA5JK as Net Control, can be found here.

    A recording of the Special Format Equipment Buyers Assistance Net on Dec. 12, 2010, with KC5FWE as Net Control, can be found here.

    A recording of the Special Format Net on Oct. 10, 2010, on amateur radio satellite communications, with N5NBJ as Net Control, has 2 recordings.

    The first one is a report on satellite work by N5NBJ, Jason, and AJ5C, Bob. The second one is a brief overview of Amateur Satellites. Further pictures and videos can be found here.

    For those who missed the Special Format Net on Aug. 29, 2010, on ''The Amateur Auxiliary Of The FCC'', with KC5FWE as Net Control, you can get more details on the Official Observer Program, here. For more details on the Amateur Auxiliary, click here.

    For those who missed the July 4, 2010 Special Format Net, on ''The History Of The Star Spangled Banner'', with AE5WX as Net Control, click here.

    1) Those who were able to join us for the Special 2008 Halloween Edition of the Nightflyers Net heard Brian Kessler (N1WNC) and his wife, Marlene (KE5HQU) describe some photographs they had taken with the appearance of some orbs (balls of energy and light) that mysteriously appeared while they were taking photographs around their home in Vilonia, Arkansas (Faulkner County). Here are the photos for everyone to view. Thanks to Brian and Marlene for sharing the photos.

    In the words of Brian

    ''These are the pictures that I mentioned on the Halloween net. As you can see, there is some kind of energy that showed up in the pictures. There was no flash...just the light from above the garage. Under the truck, you can see something strange, and there is no way it could be a reflection. What do you think?''

    2) For those who were able to join us for the Special Format Net on Feb. 15, 2009, the video for thermal imaging at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, was done by TAPS during the filming of ''Ghost Hunters''; and can be found here.

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    Significant Benchmarks For The Nightflyers Net

    May 15, 2008 - First official Cabot Nightflyers Net takes place on the air

    July 20, 2008 - Cabot Nightflyers Net has it's first presentation by an official guest speaker. The presentation was on the topic of Technology for the visually impaired - a brief history and how it relates to ham radio, and it was given by special guest speaker Scott Berry (N7ZIB) via Echolink.

    August 10, 2008 - First official Nightflyer Certificate with official Nightflyer number is issued via e-mail.

    August 24, 2008 - First Cabot Nightflyers Net with more than 10 checkins.

    October 19, 2008 - Cabot Nightflyers Net web site is officially launched on Geocities.

    October 29-30, 2008 - First Holiday Special Edition Net takes place - Halloween Special Edition Nightflyers Net.

    December 14, 2008 - Tenth official Nightflyer number and certificate are issued.

    February 22, 2009 - First official Cabot Nightflyers Net is broadcast on the internet, via live streaming audio from the Cabot Nightflyers website.

    August, 2009 - Cabot Nightflyers groups are set up on the Arkansas Amateur Radio Operators Social Network, and the Facebook social networking websites. Unfortunately, the Arkansas Amateur Radio Operators Social Network is no longer available.

    October, 26, 2009 - The original Cabot Nightflyers website, off of Geocities, is shut down. The site was moved to a link off of the homepage of AE5WX.

    Nov. 2, 2009 - A new domain and Guestbook were obtained for the Cabot Nightflyers, at http://www.thecabotnightflyers.net...with redirection pages at the old links.

    Dec. 20, 2009 - Two special milestones were reached during the special Christmas format net:

    1) Thanks to the relay assistance of several stations, this was the first Cabot Nightflyers Net to officially take checkins from the Nightflyer Chatbox on the website.

    2) This was the first Cabot Nightflyers Net to officially surpass the 20 checkin mark, with a record setting 23 checkins. This record may be broken with future nets.

    Dec. 27, 2009 - Due to scheduling conflicts, this was the last night the net met at its ORIGINAL start time, of 10pm Central Time. The start time for the net was MOVED BACK ONE HOUR, to 9pm, Central Time, effective with the Jan. 3, 2010 net.

    Jan. 3, 2010 - The net now meets at 9pm, U.S. Central Time on Sunday. With the new time, which is apparently MUCH BETTER for all concerned...we BROKE THE RECORD of 23 checkins that was set on Dec. 20, 2009; there were 28 checkins on the Jan. 3, 2010 net.

    Apr. 11, 2010 - The Special Format Net on Storm Spotter And Storm Chaser Safety with Shane, KF5FBR, as Guest Net Control...BROKE THE RECORD with 30 checkins... surpassing the previous record of 28 checkins that was set on the Jan. 3, 2010 Net.

    July 11, 2010 - A new record was set on the net, with 33 checkins...breaking the previous record of 30 checkins set 3 months ago. The new 33 checkin record was tied again on the Mar. 6, 2011 net.

    August 15, 2010 - Reached the half-century mark for Cabot Nightflyers Certificates earned. For a list of members on the net who have obtained their certificates, with at least 5 checkins, click here.

    Nov. 21, 2010 - Reached the century mark for Cabot Nightflyers members reaching 100 checkins. Members of the Cabot Nightflyers Century Club have an exclamation point (!) beside their Nightflyers Number, located here.

    Mar. 13, 2011 - A new record was set on the net, with 39 checkins...breaking the previous record of 33 checkins that was set on July 11, 2010, and tied on March 6, 2011.

    Oct. 30, 2011 - A new record was set on the net, with 40 checkins...breaking the previous record of 39 checkins that was set on Mar. 13, 2011.

    Dec. 25, 2011 - In the holiday spirit, several courtesy checkins were given to those stations who check into the net regularly, but were unable to do so, for whatever reason that evening. That set a new record for checkins, at 47... breaking the previous record of 40 checkins that was set on Oct. 30, 2011.

    Jan. 15, 2012 - With courtesy checkins to the stations that regularly checkin to the net...as well as to the others who checked in, a new record of 49 checkins was set...breaking the previous record of 47 checkins that was set on Dec. 25, 2011.

    Feb. 5, 2012 - With courtesy checkins to the stations that regularly checkin to the net...as well as to the others who checked in, a new record of 53 checkins was set...breaking the previous record of 49 checkins that was set on Jan. 15, 2012.

    Feb. 12, 2012 - With courtesy checkins to the stations that regularly checkin to the net...as well as to the others who checked in, a new record of 57 checkins was set...breaking the previous record of 53 checkins that was set on Feb. 5, 2012.

    Mar. 18, 2012 - With courtesy checkins to the stations that regularly checkin to the net...as well as to the others who checked in, a new record of 58 checkins was set...breaking the previous record of 57 checkins that was set on Feb. 12, 2012.

    Apr. 1, 2012 - With courtesy checkins to the stations that regularly checkin to the net...as well as to the others who checked in, a new record of 59 checkins was set...breaking the previous record of 58 checkins that was set on Mar. 18, 2012.

    Apr. 8, 2012 - With courtesy checkins to the stations that regularly checkin to the net...as well as to the others who checked in, a new record of 60 checkins was set...breaking the previous record of 59 checkins that was set on Apr. 1, 2012.

    May 13, 2012 - Due to several issues in recent weeks, the net was forced to reduce its on the air presence. This was the last regularly scheduled weekly net, although additional Special Format Nets will be announced in the future, on this page.

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